Thursday, November 6, 2008

Losing A Friend

I suppose there are countless reasons that friendships fail or end, but the broken bond feels deeply personal. I always thought friendships were supposed to be uncomplicated, sustaining, and reassuringly reasonable relationships. How is it then that in a matter of four days in November I managed to alienate my friend to the extent ‘she’ has essentially disavowed my existence?

For the life of me I cannot trace the arc of events that led to the failed relationship to shape it into a recognizable narrative that I can share with you folks. But no matter the sordid details, the fact that this friendship has seemingly failed is never all that surprising. Bonds of friendship in today’s world just aren’t that important, sadly. That friendships can end suddenly, inexplicably, is the refrain of a thousand pop songs. No one expects anything less. All I know is that the world, for me, has shifted on its axis; I will no longer be a part of her active, engaged, day-to-day life; or she of mine.

If she decides to never talk to me again, I will remain her strong, silent friend. If for no other reason than the respect we once had of each other and the good times even though few and far between. I can only hope that she can muster the courage to sit down with me to revisit the issues that brought a thriving friendship to a complete state of inertia. I’m not sure she can, or, in a sad statement of reality, wants to open the door to all that led up to this state of affairs to begin with. I can only hope.

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